Καθαρισμός Καναπέδων

EUROKATHARISTIKI has designed services for the cleaning of your sofa and your furniture in general. These services are designed to fully meet the cleaning requirements of your upholstery with the highest professional cleaning standards undertaken by professionals.

We provide the most thorough deep cleaning which includes:

A thorough inspection of the sofa before cleaning.
Identification of the fabrics and upholstery that your sofa has.
Examination of the condition of your sofa.
Thorough vacuuming.
Washing the upholstery.
Customer inspection and approval as soon as the process is completed.

Our equipment

Super absorbent dust-water vacuum cleaners 3,000 watts.
Extraction seat washing machines.
Handheld steam cleaners.

Eurokatharistiki: The modern version of facility services


Quality Management System. It implements a Quality Management System, according to the ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, ISO 45001:2018 standards. It has specialized staff that can meet even your most complex needs.


24-hour Service. A representative of our company, is at your disposal 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in order to respond immediately to any emergency that may arise.


Scientific Associates and Specialization Special emphasis is given to the field of safety and hygiene of employees, with the company having a Safety Technician and an Occupational Physician. As part of the improvement of the provided services, the staff participates in training programs on issues of quality, hygiene and safety.


Advanced Media.The equipment of the company is complete and includes all the machines, which are considered necessary for the execution of any kind of work.
Before the commencement of the works, each employee is provided with a special uniform of the company, as well as a form, which details the works agreed with the customer. All materials have the required license from the General Chemical State Laboratory and the Ministry of Commerce. The license is handed over to the customer, prior to the commencement of our cooperation.